Living Philosophy

Is Abortion Constitutional?

Jay Mootz, George Taylor Season 2 Episode 13

We tend to react to the issue of the right to abortion according to moral, religious, or political convictions. But what we often tend to overlook is that the debate surrounding Roe v. Wade is primarily a legal one. So according to the US constitution, is the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade legally sound? Prof Jay Mootz (University of the Pacific) and Prof George Taylor (University of Pittsburgh) are legal philosophers who discuss key problems and questions relating to the recent decision.

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Links Related to this Episode:
Jay Mootz (University of the Pacific)
George Taylor (University of Pittsburgh)

Hermeneutics (Philosophy2u Video)
Rhetoric (Wikipedia)
Paul Ricoeur (SEP)
Hans-Georg Gadamer (SEP)
Virtue Ethics (SEP)

14th Amendment (1868)
Alito on Abortion Rights (Reuters)

Legal Cases
Calder v. Bull (Wikipedia) [1798]
Lochner v. New York (Wikipedia) [1905]
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (Wikipedia) [1954]
Poe v. Ullman (Wikipedia) [1961]
Griswold v. Connecticut (Wikipedia) [1965]
Roe v. Wade (Wikipedia) [1973]
Planned Parenthood v. Casey (Wikipedia) [1992]
Obergefell v. Hodges (Wikipedia) [2015]
Dobbs v. Jackson (Wikipedia) [2022]

Music: Earth and the Moon, by Ketsa

Logo Art: Angela Silva, Dattura Studios

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